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Arcjet API regions

Arcjet’s API minimizes latency by running as close as possible to your application and routing requests based on the lowest latency region.

New regions

We deploy regions based on demand, so if you need a region that isn’t listed below, let us know. We can usually deploy to a new region within a few days.

Current regions

The API is currently deployed to the following regions:


LocationRegion Code
Northern Virginia, USAus-east-1
Ohio, USAus-east-2
Northern California, USAus-west-1
Oregon, USAus-west-2
Sydney, Australiaap-southeast-2
Canada (Central)ca-central-1
Dublin, Irelandeu-west-1
London, UKeu-west-2
Frankfurt, Germanyeu-central-1
São Paulo, Brazilsa-east-1

LocationRegion Code
Amsterdam, Netherlandsams
Atlanta, GA, USAatl
Ashburn, VA, USAiad
Boston, MA, USAbos
Bucharest, Romaniaotp
Denver, CO, USAden
Dallas, TX, USAdfw
Frankfurt, Germanyfra
Hong Konghkg
London, UKlhr
Los Angeles, CA, USAlax
Madrid, Spainmad
Miami, FL, USAmia
Montreal, Canadayul
Mumbai, Indiabom
Paris, Francecdg
Phoenix, AZ, USAphx
Rio de Janeiro, Brazilgig
São Paulo, Brazilgru
Seattle, WA, USAsea
Secaucus, NJ, USAewr
San Jose, CA, USAsjc
Stockholm, Swedenarn
Sydney, Australiasyd
Toronto, Canadayyz
Wawsaw, Polandwaw


Oregon, USA
Ohio, USA
Virginia, USA
Frankfurt, Germany


LocationRegion Code
Cleveland, USAcle1
Dublin, Irelanddub1
London, UKlhr1
Frankfurt, Germanyfra1
São Paulo, Brazilgru1
Washington, D.C., USAiad1
Portland, USApdx1
San Francisco, USAsfo1
Sydney, Australiasyd1
