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Arcjet Shield

Arcjet Shield protects your application against common attacks, including the OWASP Top 10.

What is Arcjet? Arcjet helps developers protect their apps in just a few lines of code. Bot detection. Rate limiting. Email validation. Attack protection. Data redaction. A developer-first approach to security.

What does Arcjet Shield do?

Arcjet Shield analyzes every request to your application to detect suspicious activity. Once a certain suspicion threshold is reached, subsequent requests from that client are blocked for a period of time.

Which attacks will Arcjet Shield block?

Arcjet implements a variety of detection rules based on the OWASP Core Rule Set. This includes the OWASP Top 10 to protect against common categories such as:

  • SQL injection (SQLi)
  • Cross-site scripting (XSS)
  • Local file inclusion (LFI)
  • Remote file inclusion (RFI)
  • PHP code injection
  • Java code injection
  • HTTPoxy
  • Shellshock
  • Unix/Windows shell injection
  • Session fixation

How are attacks detected?

Most attacks involve an “enumeration” step, where the attacker tries to learn how your application is built and discover potential vulnerabilities. This often involves sending a variety of requests to fuzz your application and see how it responds.

For example, an attacker might first look for a WordPress admin panel, an accidentally uploaded .git directory, or a login form. If they find something interesting they might then test it for SQL injection, directory traversal, or command injection.

This process could involve many hundreds of requests. Each one might seem innocent by itself, but together they form a suspicious pattern.

Arcjet Shield detects these patterns, but only blocks requests once a certain threshold is reached. This significantly reduces the risk of false positives and helps to avoid blocking legitimate users.

Although this means Arcjet Shield doesn’t block suspicious requests immediately, most attacks do not succeed on the first attempt. This allows for a balance of security and usability, minimizing the risk of blocking legitimate users.

Responding to suspicious requests

When a request is blocked by Arcjet Shield, the Arcjet SDK includes the details in the response to your application. You can simply accept the default and block the client. However, you can also customize the response to suit your application.

For example, on critical user-facing website pages you might want to return an error page. In an API you might want to return a formatted response that follows your API schema in JSON or XML. And in critical application flows such as a checkout or sensitive action you might store the request context and flag the account for review in case it’s a legitimate user.

Generic, network-level protections are insufficient for modern applications where the context and sensitivity changes across the application. Arcjet allows developers to build with security in mind without sacrificing usability.

How does Arcjet Shield work?

The Arcjet SDK communicates with the Arcjet API on every request as part of applying your configured rules. The request (except the body) is included as part of this process and rules are executed based on the request content. Analysis happens on the Arcjet platform so it requires no additional resources from your application and adds no overhead to the request processing. See Architecture for details.

Is Arcjet Shield a Web Application Firewall (WAF)?

Arcjet Shield is like a Web Application Firewall (WAF) because it analyzes every request for possible attacks. However, there are several problems with WAFs:

  1. They are slow, often adding hundreds of milliseconds to every request.
  2. They sit in front of your production application and are difficult to deploy locally or in test environments. This means turning them on or changing rules is risky because you can’t test them properly. Engineers only get involved when something breaks rather than being able to test them during development.
  3. This also means WAFs are a separate system with no context about your application. Therefore, the results can’t be used as part of your application logic e.g. customizing errors or flagging accounts, rather than just blocking requests.
  4. They have a high false positive rate, blocking legitimate users and frustrating customers.

Arcjet Shield solves these problems by being part of the Arcjet SDK integrated into your application, but running analysis on the Arcjet platform so it consumes no resources from your application. Using a threshold system allows false positives to be minimized.

Finally, you can integrate the results into your application logic which allows you to control how you handle suspicious requests. This allows engineers to test everything locally and in staging, avoiding the risk of breaking production.

Blocking based on fingerprint

If Arcjet detects suspicious activity, it will block further traffic based on a fingerprint of the client, which includes the IP address. This could temporarily block traffic from legitimate clients using the same IP address. Although this trade-off might affect a small number users on shared networks, we are constantly improving our systems to minimize false-positives while ensuring overall security.
